Links to a demo file here, as well as the RTTY.h and RTTY.cpp files.
This library supports ASCII 7 or 8 bit, 1 or 2 stop bits, 50 or 300 baud speeds and has XOR checksums using USB type transmissions. Which is fairly standard and a good starting point for HAB projects.
Many people have code which uses most of this already, though this library is more for a quick fire HAB project or for easy beginners starting a project.
Only two lines of code should cover the setup and calling of a RTTY transmission.
The RTTY.h and RTTY.cpp files need to be placed inside a new folder called RTTY inside the arduino/libraries directory.
Thanks to Tim Zaman for the initial inspiration to create the library, and for the usual UKHAS crew for the code, ideas and their help as always :-)
(Project Horus, RJHarrison & JCoxon)
Example sketch code is similar to:
#include <RTTY.h>
// create the rtty object with following parameters:
// Mark_Pin, Space_Pin, ASCII (7 or 8), Num Stop Bits (1 or 2), Baud (50 or 300)
RTTY rtty(4,5,7,1,50);
// create the rtty object with following parameters:
// Mark_Pin, Space_Pin, ASCII (7 or 8), Num Stop Bits (1 or 2), Baud (50 or 300)
RTTY rtty(4,5,7,1,50);
// our sprintf buffer
char superbuffer[100]="";
void setup()
void loop()
sprintf(superbuffer, "$$CallSign,%d,%02d:%02d:%02d,%s,%s,%d", rtty.txCount(), 12, 00, 20, "52.2", "0.09", 485);
//we can print the current tranmission counts: